VÚKV a. s. deals with the wide spectre of questions in connection with the aerodynamic effects arising during an interaction of railway vehicles and infrastructure:
- Aerodynamic effects on open track (LOC & PAS TSI, INF TSI, EN 14067-4) – analytical or CFD assessment and optimization of vehicles, analysis of impacts on infrastructure;
- Maximum pressure variations in tunnels (LOC & PAS TSI, INF TSI, EN 14067-5) – numerical simulation and analysis of pressure signatures;
- Vehicle stability in cross wind – analysis and assessment according to EN 14067-6 or Ril 807.04 (analytic calculations, aerodynamic tunnel measurement, Multi-Body simulation), risk analysis of a vehicle operation on specific infrastructure section;
- Vehicle running resistance – total resistance calculations, assessment and optimization of the vehicle aerodynamic drag;
- Aerodynamic effects on ballasted track – critical areas analysis, proposals of countermeasures;
- Inlets and outlets – CFD assessment and optimization of aerodynamic effects (pressure and temperature field) around the areas of inlets and outlets;
- Vehicle and infrastructure loading due to aerodynamic effects – calculation of structure loads due to operation on open track, wind effects, operation in tunnels, vehicle passing, etc., definition of appropriate operational scenarios or proposals of operational countermeasures;
- Pressure tightness and pressure comfort – assessment and analysis of pressure tightness of the whole vehicle or separate components, analysis of pressure comfort for specific operation (on account of vehicle, infrastructure, operational scenario);
- Inner aerodynamics – analysis of the airflow in vehicle interior, in air ducting, etc.
VÚKV a.s. offers its capacity and experience in the aerodynamic area for the following activities:
- Consultancy during the study, design, testing and approval of vehicles or infrastructure;
- Supervising of aerodynamics during the project;
- Numerical simulation of the pressure variations in tunnels, structure loading, pressure comfort;
- CFD simulation (in cooperation with external subjects);
- Aerodynamic tunnel measurement (in cooperation with external subjects);
- Compilation of test specifications and other documents needed for homologation of vehicle or infrastructure.