Research, development and testing of railway rolling stock
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Measuring turning plate

Test Centre

We perform the following types of tests using the yaw test rig (turntable):

  • Measurement of bogie yaw resistance,
  • Curve passability test, ferryboat and traverser entry test.

The testing laboratory is using two types of yaw test rigs:

  • yaw test rig located in the hall of the VÚKV test centre in Cerhenice,
  • portable yaw test rig, with which tests can also be carried out at the customer's location (in the production hall, in the depot etc.). With the portable yaw test rig, it is possible to carry out tests with vehicles of different gauges.

Measurement of bogie yaw resistance

The tests shall be carried out in accordance with TSI LOC&PAS, TSI WAG, European standards or according to special customer requirements.

The purpose of this test is to determine body-to-bogie yaw torque which is generated by the passage of the vehicle through curves. The test is carried out by rotating the bogie to the given angle, measuring the angle of rotation and the force required to rotate the bogie.

Curve passability test, ferryboat and traverser entry test

The tests shall be carried out in accordance with European and national standards, UIC leaflets, ERRI documents or according to special customer requirements.

The aim of the tests is:

  • verification of the vehicle's passability through the curve,
  • verification of the vehicle's ability to drive onto the ferry,
  • verification of the vehicle's ability to drive onto the traverser,

examination of the position of individual parts of the vehicle and determination of the risk of failure if the bogie rotates to the limit positions.
