Research, development and testing of railway rolling stock
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Membership of organizations

VÚKV a.s. is involved in the activity of many profesional associations, assessment and research teams, as e.g.:

The questions of European standardization follows in the area of railway applications the Technical Committee CEN/TC 256 which is a part of CEN (European Committee for Standardization, based in Brussels, Belgium.

Experts of the VÚKV a.s. contribute to activities of the following working groups:
  • CEN/TC 256/WG1 - Fire protection
  • CEN/TC 256/WG2 - Structural requirements
  • CEN/TC 256/WG6 - Aerodynamics
  • CEN/TC 256/WG10 - Vehicle/Track Interaction
  • CEN/TC 256/WG32 - Gauge
  • CEN/TC 256/SC 3/WG 47 - Braking

The questions of international standardization follows in the area of railway applications the Technical Committee ISO/TC 269 which is a part of ISO (International Organisation for Standardization,, based in Geneva, Switzerland.

Expert of the VÚKV a.s. contributes to activities of the following working group:
  • ISO/TC 269/WG1 - Railway braking
  • ASBIO ccoperation (ERA)

The main scope of work of VÚKV a.s. representatives is especially the participation on revisions of standards and documents, comments assessment, exchange of experience with application of requirements of standards and other documents.

VÚKV a.s. also cooperates with the Czech Standardization Agency (ČAS, The decision point of this cooperation is the expert support of ČAS in the area of rail transport; the important part is also the marking up of drafts of standards and other documents as well as the takeover of European standards into the Czech standard system by translation. 
