VÚKV a.s. performs a wide spectrum of calculations designed to verify if the proposed solutions meet the requirements. The calculations can be classified as follows:
- Strength calculations:
- Complex calculations of railway vehicles and their components based on European standards, UIC decrees and customer requirements;
- Optimisation of constructions and failure analyses;
- Assessment of constructions for fatigue of material and operation strength pursuant to valid standards;
- Linear analyses (FEA, permanent strength assessment);
- Non-linear analyses (FEA – material and geometric non-linearity, contact tasks);
- Crashworthiness calculations;
- Simulations of railway vehicle running behaviour:
- Running safety;
- Impact on the rail;
- Stability;
- Riding comfort;
- Safety and protection against derailment on twisted track;
- Sway coefficient;
- Cross wind effects;
- Flexible body calculations;
- Running gear design and optimizing:
- Suspension calculations;
- Shock absorption calculations;
- Design and optimisation of traction systems;
- Rolling stock construction gauge calculations;
- Design and optimisation of braking systems:
- Braking calculations pursuant to UIC;
- Thermic calculations:
- Ventilation;
- Heating;
- Air conditioning.