Research, development and testing of railway rolling stock
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Strength tests

Test Centre

Static strength tests

Static strength tests of all kinds of rolling stock, their body structures, bogies and other parts are essential to ensure the reliability and safety of rolling stock service and compliance with legislative requirements for new products in this area.

We carry out the static strength tests of rolling stock and its parts within the framework of accredited testing laboratory No. 1085. The aim of these tests is not only to determine the static strength of the vehicle structure, but also to validate the strength calculations of both passenger and freight rolling stock.

The tests shall be carried out in accordance with TSI LOC&PAS, TSI WAG, European and national standards, UIC leaflets, ERRI and VDV documents or according to special customer requirements.

Equipment of the testing laboratory for static strength tests

Test bench at the facility of the VÚKV test centre

  • maximum achievable longitudinal compressive force of 4 000 kN (length of the vehicle under test max. 39 m),
  • maximum achievable longitudinal compressive force of 2 000 kN (length of the vehicle under test max. 60 m),
  • maximum achievable longitudinal tensile force of 2 000 kN,
  • vertical forces are simulated by hydraulic systems,

Mobile test bench allowing tests to be carried out at the customer's site:

  • maximum achievable longitudinal force 500 kN
  • maximum length of the vehicle under test 45 m
  • vertical loading by means of weights

Measuring system for a measurement of forces, stresses and strains in a range of up to 500 measuring channels.






Dynamic strength tests

The following tests belong to the group of dynamic strength tests:

  • fatigue tests,
  • vehicle buffer impact tests and dynamic buffer tests,
  • deformation resistance tests (crash tests),
  • on-track strength tests.

Fatigue tests

The tests shall be carried out in accordance with TSI LOC&PAS, TSI WAG, European standards, UIC leaflets, VDV documents or according to special customer requirements.

Up to 24 simultaneously controlled electrohydraulic cylinders with a maximum force of up to 630 kN are available for testing.
The tests are carried out in cooperation with the VZU Plzeň testing laboratory.

Buffer impact tests and dynamic buffer tests

The tests shall be carried out in accordance with TSI LOC&PAS, TSI WAG, European standards, UIC leaflets, ERRI documents or according to special customer requirements.

The purpose of the tests is to determine the dynamic strength of the vehicle, to verify the bogie-to-body connection and to determine the characteristics of the vehicle bumpers.
The tests are carried out at the facility of the VÚKV test centre.

Deformation resistance tests

The tests shall be carried out in accordance with TSI LOC&PAS, European standards, VDV documents or according to special customer requirements.

The tests are carried out at the facility of the VÚKV test centre.

On-track strength tests
The tests shall be carried out in accordance with TSI LOC&PAS, TSI WAG, European standards, ERRI, DVS, FKM and VDV documents or according to special customer requirements.

On-track strength tests are carried out on selected railway lines. Real stress in the construction of the tested vehicle while driving in real operational conditions is determined.
